Yippee!! its a holiday tomorrow!! :D ahaha but argh its only one day.. hahaha but still.. ahahha yeah!!! :D we had our 2.4 run/jog thingy today.. aahahh yepp :D so glad its over.. (: ahaha yepp :D went home straight after school with jessling and cassandra tan (: but cassandra had to buy food.. ahha so jessling and i went off first.. yepp straight after school (: ahahha heex.. cos cassandra [lai] didnt come to school today!! D; ahahhaha yea.. missed her so much!!! ahahahah :p heex :D !! yep i reached home at three this afternoon.. haha so early right.. :D ahaha yepp used the com for a while till my kor came home.. haha nothing to do alr.. haha so.. i retreated to read some more of the princess diaries after eight :D ahaha cassandra lent it to me :D haha er yea.. now i know what she meant when she lent me the book :D ahah its yea.. rather.. er yar.. ahhaha kkz heex.. then i went to sleep da jiao :D ahaha yea!! i could have slept on forever.. haha but my mummy wanna go out for dinner.. haha yep so yep (: woke up finally.. and yep went to subway first.. but no seat.. ahahha yep then walked to ramen ten... haha yepp :D height and weight[mass actually- ahaha i take physics hor] 's finally over! :D ahaha diao.. i shrunk!!!!! ='( ahahahahhahah :D yar.. so sad lah. hahaha alright.. yes. made up my mind to complete all undone homework tomorrow!! :D ahahah especially the math ones (: ahahha yeah. heex kkz i shall stop alr.. this post is rather weird.. hahaha
; i'm more than just that.
haha today was a fun day again :D
church service was great ahaha :D and yea.. i paid attention again during sermon just now (:
ahaha then that, practised bass again.. ahah with pearlyn and meilan playing guitar with me.. haha :D yes.. then we went off for lunch!
ahaha after much delaying and cannot-make-up-our-minds, we finally went to simpang.. again.. ahahha yea. :D didnt eat prata this time.. but still had the mushroon minced meat noodle[meepok] thingy as usual.. ahahha yepp.. then yes.. after talking and sitting there for like super long, we left.. ahahah ended up in 7eleven.. ahahha yea.. i bought my peanut butter m&ms again! :p yep.. ahahaha and then abit the whole bunch of us stood/squatted/sat by the road.. -.- yes.. ahahha couldnt decide where to go again!! ahaha yes.. for like dont-know-how-long.. ahaha.. in the end we went home ♥ ahahaha :p
; i'm more than just that.
alright.. its sort of damn late now.. and yes.. everybody's emo-ing all over again.is BAND that bad?.. mans im seriously tired k.. everyone and everything is screwed.. Politics.Conflicts.Misunderstandings.etc.. yes.. i dont know.. i thought that once syf is over.. the tension wont be that great after all.. but yes.with noms and pop nearing.. its super hard to stay happy.. i mean.. haiz..dont know what to say.. haha. damn weird.. my world revolves mostly around band can.. argh.. is this supposed to be good? or bad?i really dont know..everybody is super screwed up and yea.. have been consoling and assuring peeps just now.. the noms form.. sports day.. everything..or rather, something.yes.. forever one leh.. there will always be something that causes all this emo-ing and yar.. first was the stress bout syf.. then it was syf itself.. then there's the sports day.. [which ended up having the brasses play the fanfare only.. yea.. because it was raining and stuffs.. so yep just like the rainwater.. all our efforts got washed down the drain too.. yes.. haha kkz not funny.. fancy me worrying bout memorising all the marches and stuffs.. argh haiz.. but yea.. cannot blame bad weather bah.. and yepp and the ms susan lim and all the other freaking biased teachers too.. seriously got problem with band girls huh.. crazy shit.. therefore, we ended up in the band room the whole time.. while everyone's out there yelling and screaming their hearts out.. haha haiz.. no mood to return back to contingents alr lah..-anyway have no wishes of doing so too in the first place-.-].. haha yepp and ok continued from just now.. yepp like mentioned before.. noms and pop these stuffs are approaching.. yepp i really cannot describe how exactly the mood is now mans.. haha haiz.. and yep lastly, jubilate. wow.. 20mins to LD, 15mins to CO, 10mins to band (; how great.. but yea.. ok lah.. if really dont wanna play then dont play lor.. haha yea.. alright! we shall put in our bestest effort for merry widow!! ;D yea!what i need to do :- use lots and lots and lots of air!!! mans..- reach the freakingly high notes.. alright i know its not 'freakingly' lah k.. but they are for me lah can.. )=- show that i can play Lipslurs number 2 !!! i can k... when im alone.. haiz.. will you believe in the first place?..- and lotslots more.. seriously..~ sometimes i wonder.. just how sad can life get? is there a limit? or is there a boundary? if there is, then wow.. wouldnt i be seriously overboard?? ;/
; i'm more than just that.
ahh! today was such a pissy day.. haha yes.. recess was super offensive.. haha offended lots of peeps :/ im so sorry.. yea.. but was busy rushing the stupid wings props thingy.. yea.. sewing the cardboard.. diao but yea.. haha then had rushed down for squad meeting.. was super late.. )= so sad.. yea.. but discussing bout band camp (: and deciding who's in which comm.. haha at first i picked the lot with the word "toilet" in it.. hahahha -.- err didnt know what that meant.. but yea now i do.. but yea.. anyway i changed alr.. heex.. now in night games.. haha.. after that we had drills.. yea.. one whole freaking hour.. uh with five minutes break in between.. ahahah the time when all of us were busy cursing and being pissed :/ hahaha yea... marched and hanta-ed in the havent-mown-for-a-longlong-time field.. hahah yepp.. super itchy lah.. trampled on the poor grasses mercilessly.. hehheh.. ahahah yepp i was even more tired than after 2.4km run mans.. haha could seriously hear my super-fast heartbeat.. and yep.. everyone was super pissed cause of this extra peep too.. hahah the irritant!! ahahha weirdo.. argh kkz.. then we had sectionals.. will be playing sousa and most prob seventy-six trombones.. for sports day next friday (: haha yepp ahh!! got to memorise the marches by then.. yea.. talked a while more after band prac.. and yes.. we were screaming and yelling away our anger and pissed feelings on the way up to the canteen.. ahhaha yea.. super loud.. ahah hope we weren't noise pollution.. ahahha and yep went to amk hub to meet my mummy for dinner.. haha yupp (:
; i'm more than just that.
alright.. we got silver ;)yeppthanks to all who supported us all the way and yepp..yup.. THANK YOU!!! (;ok after that, grace, regina, claudia and i went to united square.. the yellow badges trumpeteers! :D yes.. haha yupp ate long john's.. talked alotalot.. hahahaha yepp many peeps kept staring at us.. yea.. think its 'cause of our uniform and roses huh.. haha and of course plus regina's balding sunflower.. haha.. yepp today was ben&jerry's free cone day.. haha and the queue was abit one round around the whole floor lah.. ahahha kkz exaggerated but still.. yes.. haha typed band&j.. at first :/ haha haiz.. yepp (; but nevermind! it's over and we've done our best (: so.. yea.. even though ok.. i screwed and suck )= super sad.. yea.. argh.. ok..
yes.. we were indeed super generous with our screams for the seven judges during their introduction.. but.. they were also indeed super stingy with their marks huh!!! ahhhh! the whole atmosphere at SCH after the release of results were like the atmosphere during a funeral.. yes.. no joke.. all of us were crying like shit [i slipped while going down the super-steep steps of the hall lah.. but it was only for one step.. :p] and yes.. some peeps still can say we're shameful -.- haha whatever.. yes.. seriously... ahhh!! alright it was one man.. haha the crew guy.. diao him lah. ahahha argh.. anyway yea.. out of 15o bands... only 3 Gold with Honours and 16 Golds!! yes.. compared to the last syf... but alrights.. we shall not look back :D umm! we will work hard for our Jubilate performance (; 11 may 7.15 pm.. anybody wanna come? :) haha yes 15 bucks per ticket.. i have three left.. haha [cause of cherylyong.. :D haha she tui4 huo4] haha yepp..
-wonder if we can still take part in this year's nbc... :/
~SNSB unite! and bravo!
still (;
; i'm more than just that.
haha ok.. so.. its like 10 hours and 45 more minutes to the final thing!! SYF central judging 2007 :D CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School :D ahahahahah AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! ahah okay we can do it :D ahahah yeah!! GoldGOldGOLD!!! haha yea.. :D merry merrywidow huh :D ahahah yes!! heex kkz i think im too excited alr.. haha or rather.. er yea.. scared.. ahha :/ heex but yes!!! ahahah its only 12 whole minutes!! :D WE CAN DO IT!! ahahaha yeah! :D[stompstompclapstompstompclap] :pSB unite, we'll show our might!we'll show them how our people fight!we'll walk to the front with courage and mightcos aint nobody's gonna break our stridecos we're the, we're theSB [ow!]SB [ow!]BM: Give me a SS!!!DM: Give me a NN!!!BM: Give me another SS!!!!DM: Give me a BB!!!SNSB Bravo!!! :Dahahhaha yeah!! our band cheer :D ahahhahahaha heex alrights i got this from the band file.. haha the black one which i put my scores in.. hahaha it states there that its *penned by Felicia Ang 300305 blue badge clarinetist (: hahah yea heex.. kkz yepp.. i shall continue TOMORROW when i come home.. haha if there's time.. hahaha.. yepp went to j8 today with red bades and light blue badges.. hahah kkz tomorrow.. TOMORROW!!! ahh!! ahahah :D kkzi shall go pack my shoes and everything alr :D heehee shoebag.. :p ahaha yepp (: gotta wake up at 5 in the morning tomorrow!! got to reach school by 6.15am (: ahaha everybody's tying french braid.. hahahah :D kkz argh!! maybe i shall write some letters too (: ahha or maybe i should sleep!! hahah argh alright kkz.. if this goes on i'll never stop blogging.. haha kkz and do all my stuffs.. and just freak tomorrow and die.. )= ahahahahha !! alright! i'll stop!! haha so.. byebye! :p
; i'm more than just that.
haha i slept from 4.30 pm yesterday to 7.30 am this morning! ahah believe it or not.. ahah yea... actually, when i reached home yesterday [from band and amk hub -had a new tutor and pepper lunch-], i was like putting out my homework! haha er so that i must finish this stack by the day and yea.. haha set the alarm clock to 5.15.. ahahha and yea.. slept through till 7.30 today!! ahahah argh! haha yep.. kkz anyway, im quite happy that im doing my homework mans.. haha overdue since two weeks ago!! especially the math stuffs!! haha and yep hope johnny hoo will not seriously demand the stupid letter for not handing in his [chemistry] worksheets.. -.- yea.. haha yepp (: anyway, i want to slack for a while now.. hahahaha so yupp bye! hehheh off to slack!! :D
got to complete:
- chemistry worksheets
- zuowen
- egeog graded assignment
- math [those not done]
- english speech
hahaha yepp argh! kkz (:
; i'm more than just that.
hahah yea.. have been celebrating my birthday with many different groups of peeps alr.. ahaha first was last sunday.. ahaha with church friends :D then the next was on friday night.. after band (: haha went to jubilee and watched mr. bean's holiday :D again. ahah yea.. purposely chose engwah.. haha cos theit theatre's more oolu.. ahahha yea but still.. there were quite alot of peeps watching too in the end.. haha laughed freaking un-glam-ly in the theatre with cassandra and jessie.. ahaha until some peeps at the back tsk-ed at us.. ahhahah diao.. ahaha yea.. then jessling went home )= yea.. so the rest of us went to mos.. haha jingwen had her "ah-ma" 's cake with her all the time.. haha argh! hahahahahha kkz nvm heex yep i drank two cups of soup!! ahahha :D yeah :D ahah umm then went home after that.. haha yupp.. frankly.. around 12 plus to one i felt rather bored.. haha so i went to sleep.. ahhaha though yea.. ahha argh..
kkz so i woke up the next morning (: yeah.. haha the first thing i did was to sit up on my bed and said " i'm very tired!" ahahah yes.. then i immediately got up and yea got ready for school alr.. :D ahahah had the "ah-ma" 's cake in the morning :D ahahah thanks to all of you guys:D ahah mr. yito came today!! ahahaha my cute old man :p ahahha ok im not exactly sure how to spell his name :D ahahah but yea.. he's freaking nice and motivational (: ahahah yeah and so kawaii alright.. :D ahahah yeah!! wanted to take a photo with him man.. ahhaha heex :D but didnt.. only managed to capture him waering his shoes i think.. ahahahhaha argh.. heex.. anyway, after band, cassandra, jessie and i went to amk hub.. (: ahahah went to newyorknewyork :D ahahah we practically smiled like freaks after every bite can.. ahahahha super nice :D ahahahhahaha :p cam-whored using cassandra's camera.. ahhaha acted cute and was super high.. ahah then met my mummy for a little while.. haha got my present.. then went baackto join them (: haha yea.. after a while i was tired and feeling rather restless alr.. hahaha and yepp my stupid stomachache still hadnt gone off! haha yea.. since the morning.. hahah umm so yepp teared a little!! ahahahaha yep.. they went to bishan park.. ahahah but i couldnt cos had to rush for youth alr.. haha yepp so slept through the whole 88 journey.. hahahha i thought i took the wrong bus man.. haha woke up halfway and saw some unfamiliar sights.. ahahhaha yea.. but that bus ride was exceptionally long.. hahaha dont know why.. haha yepp then went to church.. haha was a little late.. :/ haha yepp had to share whether God has been talking to us in any way for the past week.. haha but was like freaking busy cause of band and stuffs.. yea.. haha so perhaps God is leading our whole band :D ahahah yeah :D really.. haha (: we definately need some other-than-our-own -strength to live through all those practices man.. haha Thank You God (: haha umm :D then in the evening had this little cake-cutting session.. again. hahah yea.. argh so embarrassing.. ahahha heex then went to simpang for dinner.. and back to chrch again for worship prac.. yepp haha (:
met pearlyn and sophia at toapayoh interchange this morning (: haha went with them to church.. cos my parents had to attend a wedding thingy.. haha umm.. yup service was loong.. hahah yup then after that we went to white sands.. haha umm there was aunty irene [pearlyn's grandmother] 's memorial service.. but i didnt attend )= sad.. haha didnt bring my keys.. thought no one was at home.. ahah so yep kept thinking of where should i kill time on the 88 ride.. haha thought of going all the way to toapayoh and back again.. or to j8 or the amk's popular to get some stuffs.. haha yepp did the last thing eventually.. strolled slowly to jubilee.. haha then went around popular getting stuffs.. hahah yupp.. then when it finally was time to go home.. hahaha i thought of going one round in 265!! ahah before going home.. but yea.. ahaha didnt in the end.. so prepared myself to camp outside my door.. ahahah but! yes.. ahahah when i was in the lift, my brother sms-ed me.. ahaha saying that he just woke up!! ahahha yeah!! :D ahahah umm so...... i reached home!.. haha diao yea.. crap lah tomorrow there's school again.. ahahaha ok (: be optimistic right? hahaha
oh yes.. and jessling, so sorry.. cannot do ur that weird thingy now.. ahha told my mother ill be out [er the "down the com" thingy] at 9.. but now its already.. ahah yea.. kkz heex (: bye!
; i'm more than just that.