haha this week was seriously tiring.. dont know what will happen next week mans.. haha the killer week..
each day = five hours of sleep + two hours eating time + 24-5-2 seventeen hours up awake and working. ahahhahah school band school band tests lessons rhapsody tests homework... shit. ahahahah haiz but yea once again its the weekends again.. ahah the short pathetic two days of rare rests. ahahahhahahaha rare rests-.- ahahahha however this upcoming week is somewhat deadly? hahaha shall not elaborate on all the different kinds and genres of tests alr.. ahahaha!! im quite happy hahaha as my diary/handbook is rather pretty this few days.. ahahahaha into decorating it and all. ahhaha with all the post its [joanne's :D] and all.. hahah schedules like filled.. ahhaha alright lame.. hahah nvm im currently into reading books again!! ahahahah diao borrowed a book from jessling :D ahahah sex, lies and online dating. ahahha its a good novel k.. hahha though rather sick only. haha
anyway, time passes very fast huh.. ahhaha week four's over alr.. ahahhahah. apparently ms rocky told us that eoys are like in term four week four i think.. ahhahah ten more freaking weeks.. ahahhaha great.
yea jane and i went to pioneer junior college on wednesday for investiture(: haha mans our journey there was indeed indescribable.. hahahahha the school was like buried deep in choachukang.. hahahhaha firstly, we took 76 to yiochukang mrt station. haha in a slight drizzle in our invest u.. ahahha mans.. but we didnt wear the vest and yet of course:/ ahahha read on and will be glad we didnt. ahahhahahaha mans.. so yepp trained down to choachukang.. lrt-ed to some phoenix station.. then bused down to some oolu bus stop.. meanwhile checking out the board at the bus stop.. haha asked the bus driver and a girl in the end only to find out we were at the wrong stop.. haha "pioneer jc is quite far from here" )= ahhahaha had to be seated by 2.45 and yea stranded at some oolu place and its 2.30 alr.. ahhahahah yepp crossed the overhead bridge with schoolbag, schoolbag, paperbag all and yepp bused up one stop.. ahhahahah if im not wrong.. we walked i think.. when we alighted. haha walked on some oolu wet-after-rain pavement which was super near the road and all.. ahhaha perspiring like some leaking tap lah. hahaha and yepp saw two girls crossing some grass patch and so we walked towards them.. think they were from pioneer and leaving alr.. haha yepp so jane and i followed their instructions and walked on wooden planks and slabs of concrete and soil and climbed over the railings of a small longkang and walked across it on the three planks of wood placed there for peeps to walk across i suppose.. haha yea then we walked across the train track to which were in the way.. ahahha the olden days copper coloured traintrack out in the open on the small stones kind.. hahaha yea.. had asked the girls what to if the train comes.. ahah and their reply was," RUN! then RUN!" ahahaha something like that.. hahahaha yea.. we ended up walking the wrong direction, away from the school as directed by their own school peeps.. and only knew bout it when we arrived at a different looking part of a building after walking a stretch of mudsoil.. haha and asked some guys who were from another school i suppose that were playing around with a ball.. so we walked back lor.. the stretch of mudsoil..
haha and ended up in pioneer after some time.. hahha yes after some time..haha went to the toilet immediately and yes.. washed up and wore the remaining parts of our invest u.. ahah.. my blazer was humongous.. ahahha xxl-.- and jane kept laughing.. hahha i only managed to get the vest and blazer during recess time..so quite rush then no time to really try on.. hahahahaha but yea still have to thank natnat!! :D hahaha she lent me her skirt and blouse (: hahahaha and helped me alotalotalot!! :D yea :D heex sat through their whole invest (: passing on from the seventh student council to the eighth student council.. yea ahah then had a tour around their school led by two guys from the eighth comm.. haha quitequite humorous bah.. ahhahahahah yea then we ate some refreshment stuffs haha yepp i like the puffs.. ahah and waffles ahaha jane and i ate our full before leaving :p ahahha!! hey we didnt had lunch k.. hahahahha yea.. heex so we followed the crowd and all and arrived at the bus stop and bused down to choachukang.. hahah and yepp trained and bused home lor..
haha yupps.. and my mummy cut off my phone line for two days ahah cause i was naughty.. ahahhaha!! yepp haiz.. uh.. haha
alright shall stop alr.. tons of work and so little time..
leaving for church soon anyway (: ahahaha yepp
and theres cip tomorrow.. wont be going to church )= yea haha... umm alrights bye. (: haha
; i'm more than just that.
home from youth.. haha had no duty so bus-ed back after dinner.. haha or rather after collecting my bag from church.. ahahha yep drank ice milo.. haha cause my mother smsed me that she cooked curry at home.. haha yea.. argh ahha so yep just ate.. ahahanyway, today was our first cell version of youth (: we split into junior youths and senior youths.. haha led worship with pearlyn :D and jonathan played the guitar (: haha we treated him to soyabean after that.. haha :D yepp had the intro bout our new lesson topics by aunty rebecca.. hahah yepp talked bout some misconceptions bout Jesus and yep we have to find a partner in school and talk to that peep bout what we learned every lesson.. hahah yea something like that(:haha yepp tomorrow is the outreach by Church of God alr and also with the philippines youth people.. as in the filippinos in singapore.. haha we're are going after church i suppose.. yepp haha
; i'm more than just that.
anyway all these is for friday 13.07.07! :D haha
; i'm more than just that.
i woke up at 6.o9 am this morning.. earlier by nine minutes than other days.. haha [one snooze period earlier] haha! yea. and my mummy made egg sandwich for breakfast too.. haha quite rare as its so early in the mornings and all.. haha yea. however, by the time i finished eating, it was like ahh 6.45 alr.. haha yepp and )= i missed both lifts.. yes both.. haha climbed down and up again.. haha and i missed the bus too.. hahah thus made friends with this sec one clarinets peep called xinyi :D ahahahahahaha yea.. she was late too ahahah! so we were both late together.. because the bus took so loooong to come! haha yepp even resorted to maybe take a cab [my hard earned savings.. )': sobs ahah] yea but mans.. there werent even any cabs-.- haha yeppin the end, we still made it to school ahha glad assembly wasnt on the track this morning.. haha thanks to temperature taking.. so yepps prefects took down names and all then went to class as usual.. (: ahahblahblah [[physics math chem[mole:'/=gonecase] recess(: chinese[rum&raisin :D] english-.- math]]haha yepp i love ritter sport rum and raisin flavour! :p ahahaha heex :Dthen there was band after school.. haha gossiped alot or rather heard alot bout yea.. hahaha argh then all the hungry peeps went up to the canteen for lunch.. hahahaha yepp packed the section area together with grace when regina was taking the sec twos for drills.. ahha yea.. so neat now :D ahah umm then practised rhapsody.. haha dont want to die like on thursday again.. haha yea.. get the last page right carina! ahh yepp haha left earlier at around 5.30 as i needed to go home to put down all the super heavy stuffs that i was carrying.. haha and also to bathe and change for we were going to charlene's house to celebrate jieying's birthday in the evening (: haha yea.. my trumpet, the paper bag with the presents and my clothes, physics tb, egeog wb, thirds file and 3D band book in my arms.. haha plus one heavy stuffed bag.. haha yea.. )= so not will i make it to charlene's house this way man... haha totally gonecase if my bag snap or something.. hahahaha yea.heex waited for jane for a few minutes at the busstop as she went to get the flowers for jieying.. haha yea.. purple! hahahahah yupp but it was pretty and all :D and pokey.. ahahahhahaha we then walked to charlene's house.. haha seriously forgot the way there mans.. haha good thing there was jane:D haha only shumei and charlene were there.. then slowly everybody came :D haha charlene, yunqi, shumei, me, jiayin, zina and jane:D ahahah )= yuan jun couldnt make it i think.. yea.. haha ate pizzas and potato chips and cakee :D ahahhaa everything was super fun and all.. :D watched the 'porn' clip that charlene and shumei made for jieying:D hahaha super humourous!!! :p and scandal ar.. ahahhahah kkz jkjk :D then we went back downstairs and started reminiscing bout the past.. haha [hoped i didnt spell the word wrongly or anything.. too lazy to go check the dictionary now-.- so late alr.. haha 1 plus am.. mother :O alr.. ahha] i miss yangzheng and everybody!!! )= ahhahaha yea.. thinking bout all our fun moments :p argh then it was ten plus eleven and thus we began taking photos and all as we needed to go home alr.. ahhahaha yupp took all sorts of funny and weird poses and all :D acted cute and stuffs.. ahahahah :p heex.. yea.. then all of us went home! :D ahah jogged down the slope with yunqi ahahha!! as both of us needed to GET HOME NOW that sort.. ahah and the 45 bus was alr at the traffic light.. ahahah glad i managed to catch that bus man.. haha yeppbought some bread/bun thingy from the just-opened 'pasar malam' below my house.. haha yepps.. with my mummy.. haha kkz heex i better stop alr :D ahahtomorrow got to lead GEL junior youth worship with pearlyn (: haha yea.. so need to reach church earlier.. ahah jonathan's playing the guitar :D ahhaha yeah! ahhaha at least there's some proper chords to cover up my "zhaosianess".. ahah mans!!! erm of course i mean myself mans.. haha i cant sing!! hahahhaha not pearlyn lah hahaha i conclude that she can sing :D haha since mission trip and all :p yea! hahahhaha yeah ahah :Dalrights haha goodnight and sweetdreams :D ahhaha dont say my blog is dead and all ar!!ahah yea anyway, i like the 3p's class tee!! haha [hmm its 3p right? haha er... hahahah yea the duck's super cute!! hhahahah mans.. haha] hmm anywayanyway, jaslyn, shaowen and i went to collect our class tees on wednesday! ahahha went down to toapayoh after school.. [saw the crowded swimming complex ahah!] yea.. of course, i like our class tees too!! :D ahahhaha keep the faith THE DUCK haha yea.. :D took connexio photos on thursday! with joanne, jessling, cassandra and zhiyan (: yepp ahah...ahh yes. i will stop here!
; i'm more than just that.
haha yepp after church, we went to my neice's one month old party :D haha her name is corrine! super tiny and all.. hahaha yea but still as well-loved :D hahaha umm! glady's new meimei!! :D ahahhahaha yippee :D hahaha yepp stayed around at mama's house.. ate lunch and played with nicholas and the girls :D haha super cute kids.. ahhaha :p yeah :D then irenejiejie drove us home:D haha umm (:
; i'm more than just that.
; i'm more than just that.
we had pumping session during band today.. haha yea.. after [drills-we{sec3s} dont have drills anymore!] and sectionals.. haha yepp.. on the track. so it was yepp paaiin and all.. my knees practically died after the second round of pumps.. hahahahah yea.. aiyoaiyo.. heex alrightandand my mummy came to school just now!!! AHH! ahahah yea.. cause she said that she was too early and so decided to come to school.. haha she waited for me outside the gate and all.. ahahaha abit the sec twos saw.. ahha and they laughed )= aahahahhahahahahhha hmm no lah.. maybe im just thinking too much ahahhahayepp went to amk hub for dinner lor.. haha beef noodles.. ahahah then i ate anderson's icecream :D ahahahha rum and raisin is super nice :p AHAH heex :D
; i'm more than just that.
haha had my o-levels chinese oral on wednesday, 040707.. tym was super funny -.- ahha!! yepp and i forgot to bring my entry proof.. hahaha after being so nervous and everything the day/night before.. haha yea shaowen was very nice as she accompanied me to the general office where some woman sort of scolded me when she found out that i forgotten to bring my entry proof.. haha diao.. found aunty judy the woman.. hahah who can apparently help you print some slip of paper as your entry proof when you pay up 5 bucks.. haha yupps.. she was having her lunch and sitting there talking and talking to another woman.. as shaowen and i kept staring at the both of them.. haha wondering when will they ever stop and go back to the office.. argh.. they didnt go back and so in the end shaowen and i approached them and told the lady bout the entry proof thingy.. haha only to find out that some man didnt send her the entry proofs.. haiz.. haha yepp so after dont know how long, [she really couldnt find and entry proof docs or something], she typed a letter for me lor.. haha yepp hmm so yepps in the end both shaowen and i were a little late for reporting.. haha :/ heex..
the whole oral examination thingy started at 2.15pm.. haha needed to shit sia.. hahah but cant.. ahahha!! went out to prepare at around 3.10 i think.. hahaha yepp.. mans.. the langdo sucks... hahahah so difficult.. ahha but hmm the conver part was not thhhaaat bad.. ahahhahah abit the teacher laugh at me can.. argh. ahhahaha but yea i heard an even funnier thingy today in class just now.. haha some examiner was sleeping!! ahahah yea.. aiyooo.. hahaha umm.. yepp so in like 5 plus mins, everything was over.. haha yepp (: haha! super glad and relieved its over!!!
; i'm more than just that.
haha its been a long time since i last blogged.. haha yepp and yes havent blogged bout the mission trip yet.. ahahaha so loong alr.. ahahha mans.. but im too lazy to do so.. )= can i just keep the stuffs in my head.. ahahha argh yep.. maybe photos will be up in friendster and all.. hahah yepp anywaythe mission trip was super fun :D hahaha yea.. cool experience (: ahah yepp cant wait for the next one! but thats only if i can go.. yea..and the mission echo was fun too.. ahhaha yep not many new peeps came but yea.. haha performed all three items and viewed all the thousands of photos :D that brought back great memories.. ahhahaha yeppthen school reopened )=hahahhaah but i went home early that monday, after recess i think.. ahahha still havent recovered from the flu and sorethroat since philippines.. ahahha yea (: slept from one to seven that day :D ahahahha!!! yeah (:yupps school as per normal after that.. haha survived on thalia's strepsils during hunger pangs ahahha.. double results ahah cured my sorethroat too :D ahah yepp heex yea and homework starts piling again and all.. ahaha and the freaking hols hw still not done.. ahahha yeaglad today's youth day and thus hehheh tomorrow's the holiday and all.. ahah yepp but then yea gotta chiong all the freaking homework.. haha and yepp some sanguoyanyi yuedokaocha is on thursday haha and amath too ahaha mansmansss.. and i havent read the freaking book yet.. hahah super funny.. fancy testing us on this kinda book.. -.- just great. hahahhaha yepp and o level chinese oral is on wednesday.............. ahahahha!!! what if i fail it mans.. ahahah you ren shuo blahblahblah... -.- ahahha errr.. hahaha alrights.. shall stop talking bout these stuffs.. hahaha yepp kkz argh (:hahahha yesterday's open house was hmm haha both fun and tiring.. ahahah fun--times of sweets stealing ahahah!! yea and all.. ahah but was seriously super tiring too.. dripping and dripping perspiration ahahhaha and we played around fifteen times i think.. as in fifteen songs.. haha er repeating of songs lah.. haha yepp glad that my teeth didnt dent in mans.. ahahhaa really pain.. ahhaha! yepp but then had to chao at around 2.30 plus.. had to rush to church for youth (: haha slept like a pig during the one hour busride ahah :D night before slept for six hours.. but come to school for seven hours.. what?! ahahahha yea... haizz ahahhaha youth service was funny and fun.. haha after that we went for dinner at simpang as usual.. after one month i think! hahaha yea.. tried the egg/onion prata ahhaha still remember that time jonathan ordered that and he got two pratas in the end.. one egg and one onion!! ahah!!! yepp went back for worship prac haha and jane was super cute and entertaining :D ahahah she frightened me can.. ahaha p1 kid.. hahahah yea..sang lots of "a pure heart" just now during service (: hahah mans.. hope no one heard me muttering 'pure heart, pure heart..' when i walked to the laptop just now at the end of the sermon mans.. ahahhaha!! heex yea.. kkz nvm.. ahahah diao.. haha yepp then after that, we went for lunch at white sands.. then to challenger for some time.. then yepp back home (:hahahahha yupps..
; i'm more than just that.